Vanguard’s eight annual ShipTech Forum is coming up quickly. This two-day virtual event will be held on February 25-26.
This year’s event will be focused on the theme of In-Service Support with a look at Supply Chain and Integrated Logistics Support.
ShipTech is a conference that showcases emerging technologies, exploring a range of marine and shipbuilding issues, as well as ship repair and the advantages they provide for growth locally ad and internationally.
By bringing together industry, government, and military, ShipTech Forum provides stakeholders with knowledge and lessons from a technological perspective with the aim to showcase successful investments in cutting-edge technologies for both the shipbuilding and maritime industries.

Due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, this event will be held virtually offering live chat, video presentations, and a virtual exhibitor hall.
Registration is open, register today for this informative and insightful conference.