Service delivery, change management, performance measurement, big data, transparency, digital transformation, transportation, and innovation, are all important digitization buzzwords in government today.
Canadian Government Executive, a sister publication of Vanguard, is hosting its

The overall theme for the first day is leadership, innovation and change management. To date, John Kamensky, Senior Fellow, IBM Centre for the Business of Government; Beth Blauer, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Government Excellence, Johns Hopkins University; Dan Batista, Executive Director, Institute for Citizen-Centred Service; and Derek Armstrong, Executive Director, Results Division, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, are confirmed speakers.
The second day is built on how technology can be a full partner in driving innovation in service delivery and results, and what non-IT executives need to know about IT. Speakers include Marc Brouillard, Chief Technology Officer of the Government of Canada, John Rath-Wilson, Former Government CIO and Partner, R-W & Associates; Julie McIntosh, Director, Solutions Centre, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada; and Jason Hermitage, Vice President Public Sector, Microsoft Canada.
Check out the short video below of a summary of the 2018 event and what to look forward to this year.
To register for this must-attend two-day conference, go to