Are Our Armies Equipped and Ready for the Future?
Few will forget the sight of massed Russian armoured vehicles parked in the open during their aborted advance on Kiev...
Canadian Aerospace Must Be Positioned Now to Take Advantage of Global Aerospace Opportunities
New Government Mandate Brings Opportunity for Renewed Partnership As we approach 2022, almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, and...
The Canadian Army Modernization
Adversaries are working insidiously to undermine nations. From threats to breaches in networks, from ground invasions to attacks on infrastructure,...
NORAD Renewal: Why Now?
NORAD ‘renewal’ has recently been making news, especially as US President Biden, in his first ‘virtual meeting’ with Prime Minister...
The Early Evolution of Supercockpit Technologies
Tom Furness is a renowned virtual reality expert – a technology component relevant to the “supercockpit” concept. A 50th anniversary...
The Role and Importance of Space to National Security
Interview with BGen Michael Adamson, Director General Space and the Joint Force Space Component Commander, RCAF Recently, Vanguard had...
Building Warships Requires a Full Team Effort
Interview with Capt(N) Douglas Campbell, Director Naval Major Capital Projects, Royal Canadian Navy The Royal Canadian Navy is poised to...
Snakes and Ladders: A Simple Mind Map of the Military Information Economy
We, at the bottom of the military food chain, recount a legend about a list of acronyms, buzz words, and...
Space is a team sport
The last decade has witnessed a steady and progressive realization that space is no longer a sanctuary, but it was...
The Need to Develop Information Capabilities for the Future Battle Space
Interview with BGen Patrice Sabourin, Director General Information Capabilities Force Development (DGICFD) The development of information capabilities is an integral...