What characterizes successful change management? Six leaders and leadership teams will be recognized tomorrow, April 4, during an awards ceremony at the CGE Leadership Summit.

All of the projects feature improved service, while reducing costs and increasing accountability: the new mantra of the public service.

And each of the leaders had a “we can get this done attitude” – from pulling a huge, expensive, IT legacy conversion project out of the fire; to a CIO convincing the public of British Columbia to accept and use a “Services Card” that combines health card, driver’s licence and online authentication; to coordinating eleven ministries to amend six Acts of Parliament and 12 sets of regulations in a short period of time and move from silos to collaboration.

They all share a drive for improvement, a focus on excellence, and a talent for innovation. They developed a leadership strategy based on known principles adapted to their situation. And they implemented it courageously, vigorously and tenaciously.

The leaders frequently shone the spotlight on others – nominating subordinates, or their team. They all used teams and collaborative styles, usually horizontal management, and often set up new forms of governance and accountability.

At the April 4 Summit, several deputy ministers will be sharing their experiences: Ontario’s Ron McKerlie, who was sent in to lead the transformation of Ornge, after revelation of its mismanagement; CIO Corinne Charette and former CIO Ken Cochrane; and Neil Yates of CIC. World-renowned Dr. Bob Kaplan, originator of The Balanced Scorecard will be the keynote.

There will be lots of practical stuff to learn, and this is an opportunity to be inspired and network with your peers.

If you want to attend the conference, it’s not too late to register: go to http://cgeleadershipsummit.ca and use promo code 613222 to get a rate of $800 for one, or $500 each for two or more seats.