Retired General Walter Natynczyk has been named the recipient of the prestigious 2024 Vimy Award, a recognition granted by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI). The honor highlights Natynczyk’s remarkable contributions to Canadian security, defence, and his unwavering commitment to upholding the country’s democratic values.

The Vimy Award has a storied history, with previous recipients including influential figures such as Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, the Right Honourable Joe Clark, the late Honourable Bill Graham, and Senator Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire. This year’s award continues this tradition of recognizing individuals who have significantly impacted the nation’s defence and values.

A distinguished panel selected Natynczyk for the award. The committee included notable members such as Chief of the Defence Staff General Jennie Carignan, National Security and Intelligence Advisor Nathalie Drouin, Associate Deputy Minister of Defence Natasha Kim, and representatives from the CDA Institute board and community. Doug Harrison, representing Metro Supply Chain, the award’s sponsor, was also involved in the selection process.

“I am inspired by General (Retired) Walter Natynczyk’s can-do attitude, his impressive career, and his relationship with our troops. Even in retirement he continues to serve those that he led, setting a model for all of us. In an era of global instability, Canada needs more people like Walt who step forward with character, competence, and commitment to get the job done and serve their country either in or out of uniform,” expressed General Jennie Carignan, Chief of the Defence Staff.

“Anyone who has ever met General Natynczyk will undoubtedly applaud his selection as the 2024 Vimy Award Laureate. He is simply one of Canada’s greatest military commanders, most inspirational public service leaders in a generation and is a role model citizen of ‘what right looks like’. He is a fine addition to a long list of remarkable Vimy Award recipients,” remarked LGen (ret’d) Guy Thibault, Former Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, Chairman of the CDA Institute.

Natynczyk’s illustrious career is marked by a series of high-profile positions, including his leadership as Chief of the Defence Staff, President of the Canadian Space Agency, and Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs. His extensive service has left an indelible mark on Canada’s defense landscape.

“I was given the opportunity from a privileged position to witness his sterling character, sharp intellect, and quick steady performance on numerous occasions. In all my numerous interactions over many years where we both held different titles and roles, I found him to be hardworking, highly principled, personable, and frankly inspirational to those around him,” offered Former Minister of National Defence the Honourable Peter MacKay.

For more information about General Natynczyk, the selection committee’s insights, and details of the upcoming Vimy Gala, visit the CDA Institute’s official website.