A Long and Winding Road
As the Commanding Officer of HMCS ALBERTA cleared the bridge while transiting Dixon Channel and dived the submarine, the designer,...
Victoria-Class Modernization: The Way Forward
As the world grows more contested, continental defence grows in significance, of which submarines are part of a valuable tool...
NORAD Modernization: Next Steps
On August 14th, 2021, the North American defence chiefs released a joint statement reaffirming shared commitments to “modernize, improve, and...
Threats Through, To, and In the Arctic
Canada’s 2017 defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), confirms that the Arctic remains an area of particular interest and focus,...
The Potential for Arctic Collective Security: Fundamental Challenges
In recent years, commentators have engaged in a growing dialogue about the need for an Arctic collective security forum that...
Launching the Canadian Surface Combatant Project
The Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) acquisition project is under contract since 2018 to conduct design work leading to the delivery...
A less attractive Northwest Passage is good for Canada
Over time, improvements by the International Maritime Organization to the Polar Code will further contribute to reduce risk. Fewer ships...
Editor’s Note: CSC, SAR and CAF going digital
During this unprecedented time, many things that we have taken for granted are no longer the “norm”. One, for instance,...
Vanguard Feb/Mar 2021 Edition – Arctic SAR, CSC and Digital
We are excited to share with you the February/March 2021 issue of Vanguard in which we take a look at...
U.S. should recognize Arctic waters as Canadian
Recognizing the Northwest Passage as Canadian would deny access to China and Russia and safeguard U.S. security. The Arctic’s capacity as...