Canada’s defences: The next frontier in innovation
In a time of heightened strategic competition, compounded especially in the Arctic and North by the effects of climate change,...
Counter drone prototypes undergo real world testing at IDEaS Sandbox
Technology needs to keep pace to detect and defeat drones that are faster, smaller, and less detectable every year. Innovators...
Seeking a modern approach to minefield breaching in Ukraine
Even during peacetime, de-mining is a challenge. The ability to detect and dispose of mines in a war zone could...
Charting Canada’s Defence Renaissance: Minister Bill Blair’s Bold Agenda Unveiled at Ottawa Conference
In a speech at the 92nd annual Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National...
Uncrewed Aerial Systems are changing the face of combat operations. Countering them is the next evolution.
In any conflict, there is usually an asymmetrical advantage in terms of resources or equipment for one of the combatants...