A Bi-National Brigade for the Canadian Forces?
This article proposes a bi-national force with the UK, detailing the many benefits that would come with such a partnership.
A few years ago, I went to a car dealership without my wife. We were looking for a family vehicle,...
Government needs help on Defence Procurement Strategy
Know something about procurement? Well, no pressure, but the Government of Canada is looking to shift some of the Defence...
The Politics of Canadian Defence Spending
Eric de Roos explains why no one is talking about defence spending in the 2015 federal election.
Election 2015: The RCN needs attention
Earlier this week, Scott Gilmore wrote a thorough analysis in MacLean’s examining the impact of the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN)...
Canada is leaving the Arctic to Russia and the U.S.
The government’s been warning us since 2005: “Use it or lose it.” Back then, it seemed like a fantasy; Russia...
Mulcair’s Military
As three federal parties gallop neck-in-neck towards the ballot box, only one of them has never taken the reigns of...
Has the F-35 become indefensible?
If you have been reading anything from the site medium.com/war-is-boring (or honestly, anywhere else), chances are good that you have...
Dealing with denial
Many Canadian government websites were knocked offline last week including Canada.ca, the House of Commons, the Senate, Foreign Affairs, Transport...
Safes that aren’t
The illusion of security is often worse than no security at all. However, it is often difficult to tell how...