In a testament to international cooperation and military prowess, a robust contingent of Canadian Armed Forces personnel, numbering over 600 strong, have descended upon the frigid landscapes of Alaska for Exercise GLOBAL RESOLVE 24. This joint endeavor, spanning from February 13 to 22, 2024, marks a pivotal moment for military collaboration as troops from Canada, the United States, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea converge at the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JPMRC) in Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

“Exercise GLOBAL RESOLVE 24 ensures the Canadian Army can conduct combat operations in challenging cold weather conditions and in the Arctic, but also serves as an opportunity to strengthen ties with crucial partners in the Indo-Pacific – especially our hosts: the 11th Airborne Division of the US Army Pacific. As we face an increasingly volatile security environment around the globe, I am incredibly proud to see our soldiers train together and sharpen their skills. The Arctic is experiencing growing competition, and the Canadian Army must remain ready to support the Government of Canada’s strategies in this important region,” remarked Lieutenant-General Jocelyn Paul, Commander, Canadian Army.

Hailing primarily from the 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (3 PPCLI), stationed in Edmonton, Alberta, the Canadian contingent comprises over 350 army soldiers primed to hone their cold weather combat skills alongside counterparts from the 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the 11th Airborne Division. Such alliances, extending across continents, offer the Canadian Army a golden opportunity to fortify inter-army relationships in the Indo-Pacific theater.

“3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry has conducted intense training these past four months leading up to Ex GLOBAL RESOLVE 24. Challenging, high-level training like this demonstrates the capability of a light infantry unit and better prepares us to operate in various environments around the globe. This training will ensure we are ready to take on the Global Response Task Force mantle this summer,” expressed Lieutenant Colonel Ben Schmidt, Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

Moreover, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is set to make its mark on the exercise, deploying approximately 165 personnel from 1 Wing along with a fleet of three CH-147 Chinook and six CH-146 Griffon helicopters. Bolstering this aerial support are an additional 100 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel tasked with various support roles, elevating the total Canadian contribution to an impressive 600 personnel.

This multinational coordination of military might sees over 8,000 soldiers from diverse backgrounds engage in a rigorous program of offensive and defensive maneuvers, simulating encounters with near-peer adversaries within a dynamic and challenging environment. Beyond sharpening combat skills, Exercise GLOBAL RESOLVE serves as a vital platform for the Canadian Army to assert its readiness for potential defense and security challenges in both the Arctic and Pacific regions.

Notably, Exercise GLOBAL RESOLVE stands as a cornerstone of the Canadian Army’s annual training calendar, with plans to alternate between the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center in Alaska and the Joint Readiness Training Center in Louisiana. This cyclical rhythm not only ensures the constant preparedness of the Canadian Army’s light infantry battalions but also provides invaluable exposure to diverse operational terrains and scenarios.

“The training conducted at the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center alongside our American allies and Indo-Pacific partners, shows the Canadian Army’s commitment to maintain individual and collective proficiency in Arctic and Cold Weather operations. Thanks to the relationship that exists between the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre and the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center, US, Canadian, and Indo-Pacific partner nation soldiers will prove their combat readiness shoulder-to-shoulder during the same exercise,” said Major-General Roch Pelletier, Commander, Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre.