041 | Senior officers, industry leaders exchange ideas at C4ISR and Beyond 2017
In this episode of Vanguard Radio, we cover the latest C4ISR and Beyond 2017 conference in Ottawa, an upcoming competition,...
040 | $50M Needed for airconditioning repairs on the Navy’s Frigate Weapons Systems, and CAE Snags $1B in Training Contracts
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039 | Are Government systems as secure as they should be?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely well aware that cybersecurity and state-sponsored hacking a really major nice...
038 | Future technology that will disrupt the defence industry
In our first Vanguard Radio show for 2017, we look at some of the technology that will influence modern warfare...
037 | Canadian pilot perishes in Cold Lake L3 partners with Boeing on Super Hornet Program
Canadian sailors seize 2 tons of cocaine in a joint anti-drug trafficking operation in the Pacific Coast of Central America,...
035 | RMCC reviewed amid reports of sexaul misconduct
The CAF honours its first female Army colonel. Two Army officers are seeking formal recognition of the growing number of...
034 | Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Game Changers, and Operation Impact
The battle rages on in northern Iraq as Iraqi troops and Kurdish fighters continue their push to root out...
033 – Ripping Up Red Tape and Facing the Quantum Menace
Vanguard Radio reports on the military ombudsman’s call for an end to the delay of benefits for medically discharging CAF...