Honest John and the decade of nuclear artillery
Many Canadians watching media footage of Iran or North Korea launching surface-to-surface missiles (SSMs) capable of carrying nuclear warheads are...
The language of measurement: What effect in Afghanistan?
Measuring What Matters in Peace Operations and Crisis Management Sarah Jane Meharg McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009 303 pages, $39.45 Stones...
Passionate memoir about service and sacrifice
A Soldier First: Bullets, Bureaucrats and the Politics of War General Rick Hillier HarperCollins Publishers, 2009, 498 pages, $34.99 General...
Inside Industry
Navy tests UAV launch and recovery The Canadian Navy recently completed the first launch and recovery of an unmanned aerial...
Don’t shoot the messenger David met Goliath at a recent cyber security conference in Gatineau. If capturing data from Goliath’s...
COIN of the realm: Training for counter insurgency operations
As the two CH-146 Griffons bank over scattered scrub and descend into a clearing, soldiers emerge from the newly constructed...
Bookshelf – Understanding people: Absorbing fact through fiction
The Samaritan’s Secret Matt Beynon Rees Soho Press, 2009 $26.50, 310 pages Pray for Us Sinners Patrick Taylor Insomniac Press,...
Inside Industry
ITAR changes in the works When an American official talks to a Canadian defence audience about ITAR, the International Trade...
Saving diplomacy from extinction The art of diplomacy may be on the verge of extinction, according to Daryl Copeland, a...
Letters to the Editor
A doctrine for the Arctic Doctrines by various United States presidents over the years have set out foreign policy stances...