Making the most of the mechanic’s Mentor
When flight attendants discovered that the PA system of a commercial aircraft was inoperative in flight but worked well on...
The move to unmanned aerial systems
As a former C-130 Hercules pilot with well over 8,000 hours of experience, Lt.-Col. Gord Smith is the first to...
From the Crimea to Chinese Cannon
No discussion about Canadian gallantry awards can begin without first mentioning their origins — and for that we must return...
Ballistic Decision
The federal government’s recent announcement that Canada would not be taking part in the United States ballistic missile defence (BMD)...
Honouring our past
The Canadian system of honours and awards is a highly emotive subject to serving and former members of Canada’s military...
Funding the Forces
The first budget from Prime Minister Paul Martin’s minority Liberal government is in and the Canadian military will soon reap...