

Image: TerraSense Analytics

ARCTIC MIST, born out of the MIST line of artificial intelligence products from TerraSense Analytics, is a sensor fusion system created to address the unique challenges faced by airborne sensor operators in the Arctic. The new software will enhance operator capabilities in detecting, identifying, recording, and retrieving sensor data in missions ranging from pollution, fishing and cargo vessel tracking, naval traffic, threats to border security, and search and rescue.

ARCTIC MIST uses artificial intelligence to integrate existing sensors ranging from electro-optical and infrared turrets to side-looking airborne radar to detect, identify, and track targets in real-time to create a common operating picture. Paired with a SATCOM system and an encrypted identity access management module, ARCTIC MIST enables operators to rapidly disseminate information and collaborate with teams around the world.

New sensor platforms have advanced the realm of maritime surveillance with increased situational awareness but have left a string of challenges in their wake. The role of the sensor operator is increasingly demanding, as operators must constantly monitor multiple sensor feeds in complex environments. Post-mission analysis becomes increasingly challenging as analysts must sort through tremendous volumes of sensor data, much of which is relegated to servers without a second look. Effective real-time collaboration is limited by bandwidth constraints as high-resolution sensors overtake SATCOM capacity.

ARCTIC MIST takes aim at these challenges, supporting operators in the task of continuously monitoring sensor feeds using artificial intelligence that does not suffer from cognitive fatigue. Target vessels, pollution events, and targets of interest can be identified, classified, mapped, and measured faster than ever. Bandwidth congestion is reduced as analysts and collaborators are able to stream rich metadata in real-time, and analysts can retrieve and review data with simple search queries and a global mapping system.

“We set out to create a truly usable artificial intelligence system, one that can withstand the rigors of real-life operations and the demands of highly-trained operators, without the learning curves found in legacy systems”, says TerraSense CTO Jozsef Hamari.

The artificial intelligence at the core of ARCTIC MIST is trained in part with 3-D computer generated imagery.  This enables TerraSense to rapidly add new targets and capabilities to the system without a lengthy update process. Dedicated low-power processors run separate neural networks for each sensor input, ensuring real-time analysis despite very low size, weight, and power requirements onboard the aircraft. As all processing takes place on the aircraft, ARCTIC MIST requires no persistent network connection to ground-based servers.

ARCTIC MIST aims to enhance the monitoring of increasingly busy waters, supporting the ever-important mission of domain awareness with cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology designed to meet the unique challenges of the Arctic domain.

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