
COVID-19 impacts CAF operations worldwide

A crewmember aboard HMCS WHITEHORSE conducts weapon maintenance during Operation CARIBBE on February 10, 2020. Please credit: Canadian Armed Forces Photo 20200211XCAA0001D005 ~ Un membre d’équipage à bord du NCSM WHITEHORSE effectue la maintenance des armes au cours de l’opération CARIBBE, le 10 février 2020. Photo : Forces armées canadiennes 20200211XCAA0001D005

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is disrupting life across the globe. This disruption also affects the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). With over 2000 CAF personnel deployed on about 20 different operations, the CAF is putting measures in place “to protect the health and well-being of our members, prevent the spread of this disease, and preserve our ability to conduct mission-essential military operations.”  

Some of the impacts from the COVID-19 for the CAF include:

A crewmember aboard HMCS WHITEHORSE conducts weapon maintenance during Operation CARIBBE on February 10, 2020. Credit: Canadian Armed Forces Photo 20200211XCAA0001D005

Some of the changes to specific CAF operations due to COVID-19 include:


Op REASSURANCE – Maritime Task Force




The CAF has adopted strict preventative measures on all of its missions based on instructions from the Canadian Forces Health Services Group and guidance from host and partner nations. 

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