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An Arctic focus

As the summer months are winding down, we are busy putting together plans for our future events – C4ISR and Beyond and Ship Tech Forum. Both of these events have brought to the defence and security industry, a distinctive platform to share knowledge and technological advancement that can fit the future needs of the Canadian Armed Forces. By creating such an environment, industry, military and government, use these conferences to better support and enhance their capabilities. Over the next few months, we will work on finalizing the agenda and speakers which we will share with you.

In this issue, you will notice a strong focus on the Arctic. This massive landmass covers over 40 per cent of Canada and is a vital part of who we are as a people and as a nation. In his piece, Is the Canadian Arctic more secure now?, Colonel (Ret’d) Pierre Leblanc writes about the current capabilities. He talks about how the security in the Canadian Arctic has improved over the past few years and will continue to do so as more strategic assets become operational to cope with the disappearing ice and increasing levels of human activities.

Troy J. Bouffard, US Army (Retired) and Faculty member at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Management and Dr. Andrea Charron, Associate Professor (IR) in Political Studies at the University of Manitoba and Director of the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, pen an insightful article on A tale of two Russias? They discuss how seizing opportunities for continued cooperation with Russia in the Arctic is the right thing to do, even if it is perceived as offensive and rewarding of Russia’s egregious behaviour elsewhere.

In an interview with Vanguard, Lee Carson, President of NORSTRAT Consulting and Senior Associate at Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Ottawa explains the changing Canadian Arctic and our changing Arctic policy. He delves into what this means to national defence needs and operations in the North. He also created a Dashboard on Canada’s Northern Strategy, showing the focus evolution from Land to People.

To round off our Arctic issue, we are excited to provide an interview with BGen Patrick Carpentier, Commander of the Joint Task Force (North). He talks about his main focus areas, the role of Strong, Secure, Engaged, in the Canadian Arctic, communication challenges, and security and threats to the North.

In closing, I would like to highlight our Game Changers for this issue. The Game Changer series is dedicated to creating an intimate dialogue between you and the leaders that are driving innovative, game-changing ways in the defence and security industry in Canada. Read about Nigel Greenwood, CEO/Principal Consultant at Greenwood Maritime Solutions Ltd. Nigel is a former Rear-Admiral who served in the Royal Canadian Navy. The other Game Changer is Mark Zimny, Founder & CEO Promation Aerospace & Defence, a division of Promation Engineering Ltd. Mark talks about understanding customer needs and how to be innovative, responsive and ambitious to deliver exceptional products on-schedule.

Click on the above image to view the August/September 2018 issue of Vanguard.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue.

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