
Navy Command and Senior Appointments for 2023

Royal Canadian Navy Commander, VAdm. Angus Topshee

Royal Canadian Navy Commander, VAdm. Angus Topshee

Commanding Officer and key RCN appointments for the 2023 active posting season (APS) were recently announced by the Royal Canadian Navy Commander, VAdm. Angus Topshee.

VAdm. Topshee stated, “You are privileged to assume these leadership positions that will demand significant responsibility and a culture of care for our sailors.”

“I will depend upon you to set the example and drive to our operational success,” he went on to remind the new appointees.

RCN Command Team Course

Before assuming their new roles, the appointees are required to attend the RCN Command Team Course. The CTC 2023 is scheduled for June 9-12 in London, Ontario for those assuming appointments on both sea and shore-based units.

Commanding Officers

The following officers have been appointed commanding officers:

  1. Cdr. P. Mountford is appointed commanding officer of Sea Training Atlantic (APS 23).
  2. Cdr. S. Patchell is appointed commanding officer of Sea Training Pacific MT 23.
  3. Cdr. A. Armitage is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Toronto (APS 23).
  4. Cdr. T. Bain is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Montreal (APS 23).
  5. Cdr. T. Bergmann is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Regina (APS 23).
  6. Cdr. N. Buxton is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Charlottetown MT 22.
  7. Cdr. M Coates is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Vancouver MT 22.
  8. Cdr. S. Keleman is appointed commanding officer of HMCS William Hall (inaugural crew) MT 22.
  9. Cdr. J. Lisi is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Frederic Rolette (inaugural crew) (APS 23).
  10. Cdr. A. Lozer is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Ottawa MT 23.
  11. Cdr. V. Pellerin is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Winnipeg MT 22.
  12. Cdr. J. Samson is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Calgary (APS 23).
  13. LCdr. K. Redshaw is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Halifax, replacing Cdr. D. St. Croix MT 22 on promotion.
  14. LCdr. J. Brun is appointed officer-in-charge Patrol Vessels West (APS 23) on promotion.
  15. LCdr. J. Knowles is appointed officer-in-charge Patrol Vessels East (APS 23) on promotion.
  16. LCdr. L. Gunderson is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Edmonton (APS 23).
  17. LCdr. G. Morris is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Oriole (APS 23).
  18. LCdr. P. Morrison is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Glace Bay (APS 23).
  19. LCdr. K. Tetro is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Yellowknife (APS 23).
  20. LCdr. E. Dignard is appointed commanding officer of Patrol Craft Training Unit (APS 23).
  21. LCdr. M. St. Pierre is appointed commanding officer of Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) (APS 23).
  22. Lt. (N) B. Branscombe is appointed officer-in-charge Naval Replenishment Unit (APS 23) on promotion.
  23. Cdr. N. Bruzzone is appointed commanding officer of Base Administration Esquimalt (APS 23).
  24. Cdr. S. Fleury is appointed commanding officer of Base Logistics Esquimalt (APS 23).
  25. Cdr. C. Gabriel is appointed commanding officer of Base Logistics Halifax (APS 23).
  26. Cdr. C. Holland is appointed commanding officer of Personnel Coordination Centre
    (esquimalt) (APS 23).
  27. Cdr. D. Sleen is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Venture (APS 23).
  28. Cdr. M. Sponder is appointed commanding officer of Naval Fleet School (Pacific) APS 23 29. Cdr. D. Wilmot is appointed commanding officer of Base Information Services Esquimalt
    (APS 23).
  29. LCdr. E. Salzer is appointed commanding officer of Naval Staff Headquarters (APS 23) on promotion.
  30. LCdr. A. Gardam is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Malahat (APS 23) (AWSE).
  31. LCdr. J.F. LeBlanc is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Montcalm (APS 23) (AWSE)
  32. LCdr K. Penney is appointed commanding officer of HMCS SCOTIAN
  33. LCdr. E. Salvas is appointed commanding officer of Naval Reserve Headquarters (APS 23) (AWSE)
  34. LCdr. L.P. Trudel is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Donnacona (APS 23) (AWSE).
  35. LCdr. M. Topping is appointed commanding officer of HMCS Queen Charlotte APS 23.

Additional Command Equivalent Appointments

The following officers are appointed to these command equivalent appointments:

  1. LCdr. B. Binder is appointed CFB Esquimalt B Personnel Services Officer (APS 23).
  2. LCdr. I. Cross is appointed at Transition Centre Halifax (APS 23).
  3. LCdr. N. St. Louis is appointed to CANFLTPAC F44 (APS 23).
  4. Lt. (N) G. Rivera is appointed to NAVRESHQ COMPT (APS 23) on promotion.

The following officers are appointed Executive Officer:

  1. LCdr. S. Colbourne is appointed Executive Officer Sea Training Atlantic (APS 23).
  2. LCdr. J. Simmons is appointed Executive Officer at Sea Training Pacific (APS 23).
  3. LCdr. M. Aubrey is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Calgary (APS 23).
  4. LCdr. A. Blackwood is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Halifax MT 22.
  5. LCdr. R. Deforest is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Protecteur as the inaugural executive officer (APS 23).
  6. LCdr. M. Delcourt is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Fredericton (APS 23).
  7. LCdr. P. Dessureault-Beaulieu is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Ville De Quebec (APS 23).
  8. LCdr. C. Erickson is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Max Bernays MT 23.
  9. LCdr. A. Jayne is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Charlottetown MT 23.
  10. LCdr. L. Jensen is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Harry DeWolf (APS 23).
  11. LCdr. D. Lapham is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS William Hall as inaugural
    Executive Officer, (APS 23).
  12. LCdr. C. Mackay is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Ottawa (APS 23).
  13. LCdr. B. Roberts is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Winnipeg (APS 23).
  14. LCdr. M. Willis is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Toronto (APS 23).
  15. LCdr. J. Zuliani is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Montreal (APS 23).
  16. Lt. (N) H. Han is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Windsor (APS 23) on promotion.
  17. LCdr. D. Mousouliotis is appointed Executive Officer at Fleet Diving unit Pacific APS 23. 18. Cdr. M. Butler is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Prevost (APS 23).
  18. LCdr. J. Ducharme is appointed Executive Officer at CFB Halifax Badmin OA (APS 23).
  19. LCdr. K. O’Connell is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Carleton (APS 23).
  20. Lt. (N). M. Roberge is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Joliet MT 23 (AWSE).
  21. Lt. (N) E. Salter is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Hunter (APS 23) (AWSE).
  22. Lt. (N). R. Whitney is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Malahat (APS 23) (AWSE).
  23. Lt. (N). J. Davies is appointed Executive Officer at HMCS Nonsuch (APS 23) (AWSE).
  24. Lt. (N) C. Melbourne HMCS Queen MT 23.

Non-commissioned appointments

The following Chief Petty Officers (CPO) are appointed to Navy Post Tactical Leadership Teams:

  1. CPO1 A. Aubry Naval is appointed to Naval Personnel and Training Group CPO (APS 23)
  2. CPO1 R. Campbell is appointed CPO of Naval Reserve Fleet (APS 23).

The following personnel were previously appointed to Navy Tactical Post Unit Leadership teams:

  1. CPO1 G. Seguin FMF Cape Scott CPO MT 22

The following Chief Petty Officers are appointed to Navy Tactical Post Unit Leadership Teams:

  1. CPO1 E. Langlois is appointed as Assistant Judge Advocate General Liaison CPO Quebec (APS 23).
  2. CPO1 T. Lightwood is appointed as ILP Director RMC-Saint Jean Osside Institute (APS 23).
  3. CPO1 J. Sorensen is appointed FMF Cape Breton CPO (APS 23).

The following personnel are appointed as Ship Coxswain:

  1. CPO1 D. Dawson is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS Vancouver (APS 23).
  2. CPO1 T. King is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS Calgary MT 23.
  3. CPO1 S. Melancon is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard NRU (APS 23).
  4. CPO1 A. Reelick is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS Ottawa MT 23.
  5. CPO2 D. Doyle is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS Halifax (APS 23) on promotion.
  6. CPO2 S. Swinimer is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS Montreal (APS 23) on promotion.
  7. CPO2 B. Williamson is appointed Ship Coxswain aboard HMCS William Hall MT 22, on promotion.

The following personnel are appointed as Unit Chief and Coxswains:

  1. CPO1 D. Currie is appointed at Base Information Services Atlantic CPO (APS 23).
  2. CPO1 A. Munro is appointed Submarine Sea Training Coxswain (APS 23).
  3. CPO1 S. Sheffar is appointed Base Administration Esquimalt CPO MT 23.
  4. CPO1 R. Tremblay is appointed Naval Reserve Headquarters CPO (APS 23).
  5. CPO2 L. Cooper is appointed Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters CPO (APS 23) on promotion.
  6. CPO1 D. Dagenais is appointed Transition Unit Atlantic MT 22.
  7. CPO1 I. Lightwood is appointed Trinity Unit CPO MT 22.
  8. CPO2 M. Parsons is appointed Base Logistics Halifax CPO(APS 23), on promotion.
  9. CPO2 R. Adamson is appointed on HMCS Star (APS 23).
  10. CPO2 T. Brown is appointed on HMCS Cabot (APS 23).
  11. CPO2 J. Levasseur is appointed on HMCS Radisson (APS 23).
  12. CPO2 M. Seaman is appointed on HMCS Carleton (APS 23).
  13. CPO2 M. Stadler is appointed HMCS Hunter (APS 23).
  14. PO1 B. Humphries is appointed on HMCS Nonsuch PS 23.
  15. PO1 A. Loy is appointed on HMCS Discovery (APS 23).
  16. PO1 M. Luipasco is appointed on HMCS Tecumseh (APS 23).
  17. PO1 K. Montgomery is appointed on HMCS Cataraqui PS 23.
  18. PO1 J. Parenteau is appointed on NCSM Champlain (APS 23).
  19. PO1 L. Trotter is appointed on HMCS Prevost (APS 23).

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