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CAE to provide USAF with aeromedical evacuation training system

CAE has been awarded a contract to provide the United States Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) with a comprehensive Aeromedical Evacuation Training System.

The training system, delivered to the command at Dobbins Air Force Base, can be developed for a range of air mobility platforms and provides a realistic training environment to prepare aeromedical evacuation crews for pre-flight and emergency procedures as well as in-flight patient care.

For the USAF, CAE will provide a high-fidelity C-130 fuselage trainer that will incliude its Healthcare iStan human patient simulators, which feature internal robotics that mimic human cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological systems. The overall AETS will include courseware and curriculum, as well as a hand-held, wireless tablet instructor operator station to provide full control and customization of a variety of training scenarios.

“This program is a great example of CAE’s unique training systems integrator capabilities where we can leverage our extensive air mobility simulation and training experience and combine it with world-class human patient simulators from CAE Healthcare, which demonstrates the unique synergies CAE can achieve between its defence and healthcare business units,” said Gene Colabatistto, CAE’s group president for Defence and Security.

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