
045 | Canada Extends CAF’s Mission to Ukraine, Top Cop to Turn in Badge, and Importance of Cost Estimation

In this episode of the Vanguard Radio, we discuss Ottawa’s decision to extend the Canadian Armed Forces’ Operation Unifier beyond its original May 31st deadline, the announcement made by RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson that he intends to retire by the end of June this year, and we report on our interview with Peter Weltman, senior director of costing and program analysis at for the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

We also talk about the upcoming 3rd Annual Training and Development Workshop of the Canadian Chapter of the International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association (ICEAA Canada).

This podcast opens with our report on the tragic training accident in Yorkton, Sask., which claimed the life of Master-Corporal Alfred Barr, of the 435 Transport and Rescue Squadron based in Winnipeg.

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