
045 |CAF shifts gear in Iraq, proposed changes for RMCC, and new contracts for defence companies

The government hast just extended the CAF’s anti-ISIS operations. But that’s not the only change that’s worth reporting about the military’s mission in Iraq.

Operation Impact. November 4, 2016. A Canadian Armed Forces soldier guards his arcs of fire on board a CH-146 Griffon helicopter during an air mobility mission in Northern Iraq. Photo byTactical Aviation Detachment

Also, a team of former and current military experts are recommending an overhaul of the Royal Military College of Canada’s training module.

Harvard Trainer plane
The CT-156 Harvard II

New collaborations and contracts are reported by defence industry firms Airbus, SITA, Mannarino Systems & Software, Lockheed Martin, Field Aviation and CAE.

Find more about these stories by clicking on the article links below:

CAF anti-ISIS mission extended

RMCC training to be revamped

Airbus, SITA work together on air transport cybersecurity

Montreal software firm bags Lockheed’s offset investment

Field Aviation to upgrade CT-156 Harvard aircraft

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